
Machandel organic peanut butter

<p>Our organic peanut butter comes in different varieties. We have crunchy peanut butter, with bits of peanut. It&rsquo;s a creamy, delicious sandwich topping with a rich, full taste. We also have smooth peanut butter, which is silky smooth. The ingredients? Peanuts, and 0.4% salt. The creaminess comes from the peanut oil itself. That is what makes our peanut butter extra healthy. Do you prefer not to eat salt or are you on a low-sodium diet? Both of our types of organic peanut butter are also available without salt.</p> <h2>Chinese peanuts</h2> <p>The peanuts we use for our peanut butter are from China, from fields spanning several square kilometres. Every year, we visit our supplier to see how things are going. We look at things like size, taste and oil values. We also look at the work procedures and machines to check whether the organic regulations are being followed. We check the safeguarding of constant quality. That is an important part of our trips.</p> <h2>The result of our sustainable relationship</h2> <p>Another important part of our visit is knowledge exchange. We also talk about the organic market and the newest developments to share our knowledge, which can lead to new innovations. The relationship between this supplier and Machandel goes way back, and they value that in China. That is shown from the fact that in principle, this supplier does not have to export anything as the Chinese market is at least 17 times larger. But that is the result of our sustainable relationships, and that allows us to consistently offer our customers a reliable high-quality product.</p>